Dublin, Ireland, June 2010

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Irish food

Irish food. It is what it is.

Irish food

Typical pub meal.

Irish Food

Slightly above-average pub meal.


At least the beer is cold, tasty and plentiful.
The beer sold in the U.S. as Czechvar is called Budweiser in Europe. What we call Budweiser is also called Budweiser.
I wasn't there long enough to figure out how to specify which kind you want.


We watched a World Cup match at The Brazen Head, a pub that claims to have been established in 1198.
England and the U.S. tied 1-1. Everyone was rooting for the Americans.

Guinness Storehouse

One of the conference parties was at the Guinness Storehouse, an event space at the Guinness factory.

Jameson Distillery

Another party was at the Jameson Distillery.

Lastly, here are some of the people I saw at the convention, photographed with the Diana camera:

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