__  _-==-=_,-.
        /--`' \_@~@.--<     The wonderful thing about Tiggers
        `--'\ \  <___/.     Is Tiggers are wonderful things.
             \ \\   " /     Their tops are made out of rubber
              >=\\_/`<      Their bottoms are made out of springs.
  ____       /= |  \_/      They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
_'    `\   _/=== \__/       Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
`___/ //\./=/~\====\        But the best thing about Tiggers is
    \   // /   | ===|       I'm the only one!
     |  ._/_,__|_ ==|        __
      \/    \\ \\`=-|       / \\
       |    _     \\|      /==|-\
       `.__' `-____/       |--|==|
          \    \ ===\      |==|`-'
          _>    \ ===\    /==/
         /==\   |  ===\__/--/
        <=== \  /  ====\ \\/
        _`--  \/  === \/--'
       |       \ ==== |
        -`------/`--' /

*If you read this on a Sunday, wish for a  really fun week
*If you read this on a Monday, wish for money
*If you read this on a Tuesday, wish for love
*If you read this on a Wednesday, wish for success
*If you read this on a Thursday, wish for anything you want
*If you read this on a Friday, wish for a really hot date
*If you read this on a Saturday, wish for an important phone call

Send this to seven people (after you make a wish).  Make sure
it is mailed as soon as you read it or your wish won't come true.
And check your horoscope, it could be very useful.

REMEMBER, make a WISH, send this letter (and hope it happens).