"I have no desire to leave this place," Liz said at lunch Friday. "Not only are you attached to the place, you're attached to the dogs and the people." Liz was among the most eager to go on this trip. Along the way, she became the master of the running gag, especially after Chris called her "fatty" at pot roast dinner the first night at Wintergreen. Also known as Lizard, Liz is the loudest belcher of the bunch. Liz is a sophomore majoring in environmental resource managment.
Paula can juggle. "It's very stress-relieving when you get good at it," she said. Paula said she taught herself how to juggle in the fifth grade, and now it gave her something to do during our idle time. Keeping her eyes open for excitement or three pieces of fruit Paula was the least likely to be sitting around with nothing to do. Paula is a sophomore studying biology.
"When you start craving to pour bacon grease into your oatmeal, you know you have arrived in winter," Dave said. Dave is a wealth of outdoor knowledge and a good leader. He basically assembled this whole trip from start to finish, with an easygoing style that everybody enjoyed. Dave is a grad student studying environmental resource management and geography.
I was the trip's resident journalist and bad punster. Like others along, I enjoyed mocking the poor souls who spent spring break at the beach instead of in the north woods. Quote upon arriving in Ely, MN: "This town is kinda fishy. No, actually, it's eely." I'm a junior studying print journalism.
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"This is my journal right here, the old 35 millimeter Pentax," Chris said one evening. He shot hundreds of photos, more than a dozen rolls of black and white film, as part of a class assignment. He also brough with him plenty of winter camping know-how. Chris, the trip's self-described "ladies man", is a junior majoring in advertising.
Perhaps the most thoughtful member of the group, Justin was never afraid to ask questions. At the same time, he was an expert on subjects like music and New York City that gave him plenty of knowledge to share with the team. Justin, a sophomore, is studying recreation and park management, focusing on commercial recreation.
Crazy-haired, beardless, Scottish and vegan, Jeff absorbed plenty of taunts. "I just can't take it anymore," he laughed one evening after a series of meat-eating jokes. Happily for all of us, he was a good sport about everything. Jeff is a sophomore majoring in everything, but leaning toward biology "or something that actually interests me."
Along with Dave, Kit wore his Haiwiian shirt the entire trip. Funny and eloquent, Kit was a master of metaphore. "I can almost see the credits rolling up the windshield as we drive," he said as music played in the van at the start of the trip. Kit is nearing graduation with a degree in ag science, focusing on entomology (bugs!).
Tom became Omega Tom after he confronted Tom The Guide (see below), who claimed the title of Alpha Tom. "I wanna be Sick Tom again," he complained when the Omega label stuck. Tom had been ill early in the week, but was in good spirits on the trail. This despite having the dog Ottawa take a piece out of him amid a dog fight. Tom is a junior majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology.
For all the time she spent caring for and talking to the dogs, Meredith could be part puppy. She often wandered to the side of the group, enjoying the finer points of the trip walking barefoot over the ice, climbing trees, skiing along behind the sleds. She traveled with Norm, her teddy bear. Meredith is a junior majoring in recreation and park management, studying environmental interpretation.
A midwife from Long Island, Marti was one of two people on her trip who didn't back out. She and Scott got lumped in with our group to make the best of it. Marti enjoyed herself, and imparted some wisdom on the rest of us. "A man who chops his own wood warms himself twice," she said one evening.
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Scott is a public relations agent from Chicago who spends a lot of time canoeing in the boundary waters. Friday night in camp, Scott let out a tremendous yawn. "You sound tired," Justin said. "I'm content," Scott replied.
"We are into winter with a sad, sick, pathetic addiction. Somebody call a doctor," he told us. World-famous for his dogsledding adventures, Paul has been to the North Pole several times. He runs the Wintergreen lodge that ran our trip.
Bernard is a knighted French chef who cooks for the Wintergreen lodge. "Don't forget Minnesota. It is beautiful," he said, smiling, as he waved goodbye.
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