
With rare exceptions, generic chain letters are all essentially the same. This is communication at its basest form.
David Rhodes wants you to earn money
And he has set up a flimsy cash-shuffle via e- and snail-mail. My tip: NEVER send money as part of any chain letter. (I've deleted the names and addresses to disable this example.) The U.S. Post Office has a few words about letters like this one. If you're trying to do the math, check out another web site that details the pitfalls of chain letter pyramid schemes.
E-mail Experiment
Just forward this list of names, and it's supposed to eventually return to you. (I've deleted the names.)
Six Degrees of Separation
This one apparently started on 10/31/96 - The theory is an old one: Everyone in the world is only six degrees away from everyone else. Somehow, this e-mail is supposed to prove this true. For space reasons, I've only included the first 50 names.
The Sociology Project
Is this an actual experiment or a hoax designed to flood MJLenner's e-mail box with garbage forwards? We may never know.
The worst of the bunch: